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CHS Pineville - Central Energy Plant*


Pineville, NC

Project scope included one industrial type building totaling 22,000 square feet which houses the hospital campus primary chiller and generator operations, installation of two underground fuel storage tanks, large cooling tower yard, large Duke Energy substation yard, and numerous utility routings for water distribution, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, medical gas, fuel oil lines, and communications. Larger excavations (approximately 25 feet deep and 70 feet wide) were undertaken in order to provide an installation route deep enough for approximately 750 feet of mechanical distribution and electrical ductbanks to pass beneath all other utility infrastructure running through the campus. Design provisions were also incorporated to allow for future expansion of the energy plant building, cooling tower yard, and Duke Energy substation yard.

Additional site improvements include fire department access lanes around the facility, multiple bioretention cells for compliance with the Mecklenburg County Post Construction Controls Ordinance, staff parking, drives, truck service area, sidewalk and code-required landscaping, and redevelopment of a required landscape buffer for separation of the project site from the adjacent residential uses.

*project manager and  Civil Engineer William Larry Lockhart, Jr., PE completed under previous employment at ColeJenest&Stone




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